Ayiti Demen replaces Friends of Fokal, subscribe to the new newsletter!

Capture Ayiti Demen WebsiteIn 2019, Friends of Fokal (FoF), the U.S.-based charity with 501(c)3 federal exempt status, became Ayiti Demen. A name change, but still the same mission. To read in English the news of Ayiti Demen, we invite you to share the new website with your loved ones in the United States and Europe: www.ademen.org and subscribe to the newsletter: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/qLOcX6a/ayitidemen.

FoF was created as a fundraising channel for projects and activities related to FOKAL's mission. The organization's name change comes in the context of donor fatigue with Haiti, a negative image of the country in the United States, and an ambivalent attitude among the Haitian diaspora towards independent giving. With this radical new branding strategy - name, logo and website change - Ayiti Demen (www.ademen.org) is taking the lead of Fokal’s friends in the U.S. The goal is to build a positive image of Haiti in the United States and abroad using arts and culture and success stories from many areas of FOKAL's work as an entry point. In addition, Ayiti Demen will diversify and broaden FOKAL's donor base beyond the Haitian diaspora, target the younger generation of Haitians in the United States who show interest in their home country, expand outreach channels, and use multiple fundraising and programming strategies to attract resources for projects in Haiti.

Through Ayiti Demen |Haiti Tomorrow, FOKAL hopes to obtain more funding for large projects initiated on the ground, build a positive image of the country and raise awareness of cultural heritage through partnerships and collaboration with organizations based in the United States. Ayiti Demen may also act as a fiscal agent for non-profit organizations that are not present in the United States but wish to receive charitable donations. The organization will evaluate and select interested Haitian organizations to ensure that they meet the equivalency test for non-profit organizations in the United States.

To subscribe to the Ayiti Demen newsletter, click here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/qLOcX6a/ayitidemen

To support FOKAL's activities, Ayiti Demen receives contributions on its website: https://ademen.org/ and through its pages on social networks.



143, Avenue Christophe BP 2720 HT 6112 Port-au-Prince,Haïti

Tel : (509) 2813-1694

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